7 Gifts From 2020
2020 has been a year of chaos and disorder, loss and destruction, a year many want to leave behind and never remember. On the surface, yes it has been an extraordinary year, one that has caused more harm to individuals, cultures and societies throughout the world. The global economy, and way of life has been crippled and brought to it’s knees. Despite all of the negative effects of 2020 there are some gifts that the year has given us, gifts that only those with eyes to see have come to find and appreciate.
1) Anything Can Happen
Covid-19 or the coronavirus has taught us one thing this year, that anything can happen, even from something as microscopic as a virus. The pandemic has caused more harm than good. People lost their life, jobs, homes, businesses and way of life.
2020 has showed us how fragile life is and that the unprepared will perish. The unimaginable and the unpredictable have taken hold on our existence, it has become our nightmare, a dream that we all want to wake from but are trapped within. How you handle the unexpected is up to you, but from the aftermath of it all, those who didn’t fall victim have walked away stronger, more informed and prepared for the next unpredictable event.
2) Learning to Adapt to Changes
2020 has been the boot in the ass to get everyone out of their comfort zone. What was only supposed to be a 2 week curve has turned into a year of chaotic changes and uncertainties. Although some people have been effected in a minimal manner, only having to adjust to working from home and/or with the distraction of their children coping with zoom school, others have had their businesses shut down.
The small business owners throughout the United States of America and the world have felt the wrath of COVID-19 the most. Those who were able to adapt and make adjustments have been able to survive, for others those, 2020 has been their demise.
Like water those who were able to find clever ways to remain open and generate business were the ones who made it out of 2020. It has been a long, grueling transition, especially for restaurant owners, and now with the “dark winter” upon us, there must be new innovative ways to adapt to the changes.
New York City, will never be what it once was, being that it was one of the hardest hit places in the world with COVID cases and lockdown rules and regulations. Those restaurants that have survived have risen above and beyond. Some have even looked deeper into he future early in the year and prepared for the long dark, and cold winter months, by building outdoor mini heated cabanas for its patrons to eat comfortable in the cold and sometimes snow.
Others have found much success on the internet. With a majority of brick and mortar stores shut down, the shopping experience has been taken to the town squares of the internet. Amazon has dominated, but this year has brought life and prosperous success to some small business owners and entrepreneurs.
Those who were able to swim with the tides and adapt like water to the changes are now the ones who will be better prepared for what is to come. What 2021 has for all, who knows. But those who are prepared like a dooms day prepper will be the ones who survive and strive in what ever storm comes our way.
3) Time is Worth More Than Money
As inconvenient lockdowns have been for a majority of people throughout the world, what was given to many was time, more time to spend with loved ones, more time to reflect, and more time to devote to your passion or something you’ve wanted to try but never had the time to.
2020 has given us no excuses to why we didn’t do this or that. Being home 24/7 has enabled many to bond more with family, to devote more time into a hobby they’ve been wanting to enjoy or master, or create something, whether it be music, art, a book, a business, or just some home development project, the time was most definitely on your side.
Yes, money is very important for us to live and many have lost money this year, but money can always be made and time can never be bought back.
4) Those You Love Can Never Be Replaced
With all that has been going on in 2020 there has been a lot of deaths. Despite what your view points are of how real or serious COVID-19 is, people all over the world have died of it, some unexpectedly. This has been one of the hardest times in human history when it comes to terms of spending time with loved ones and having to chose to be with them or away.
Those who have become overtly fearful of the virus have chosen to take the safety precautions recommended by their “so called experts,” which mean, social distance and to not be able to hug, kiss or even be with a loved one who is on their death bed.
This has become the sad reality of 2020, that those we love have died alone. So, now more importantly than ever before people now have come to terms of how precious life really is, how those who you love can never be replaced.
So no matter how you do it, either with zoom, social distancing or not being afraid to hug and kiss and be with each other, we have been taught to love and cherish every moment we have with a loved one, because it can be the last.
5) Truth
What is truth and who is telling the truth have plagued the minds of all this past year. Knowledge is power and those with the knowledge have been able to empower themselves by not giving into the lies and hate. Those who are blind have fell victim to what they believe is truth. Whatever truth you believe in or support is up to you. Either way you cannot allow the truth to take control of your life but use it to evolve and transform into someone who has become self-aware.
Self-awareness is key here. Not how much you know or think you know but being aware of all happening around you, seeing between the gaps, reading between the lines and seeing behind the mask the truth that hides.
The truth shall set you free and 2020 has revealed a lot of ugly truths for those who can see beyond the veil of lies. The game that has been played to enslave all of humanity has been exposed and it’s up to those who have been able to see the lies and kill it with truth who will survive.
6) Power of the People
2020 has come down to choosing to live a life of fear or a life of freedom. Sadly, those who live a life of fear are the majority who have been given the keys of power, yet contradict all they once stood against, conspiracy theorists, and Nazis, they have become both the conspiracy theorist and the Nazi.
The same ones who called critical thinkers conspiracy theorists with tin foil hats, are now the ones who walk into a restaurant with a cotton face mask and plastic face shield, take it off to eat, the ones who fear others without a mask but accept a mass of facemaskless peaceful protesters, the ones who drive alone in a car with a facemask on, who wear a facemask in their own home with their family at the dinner table.
Those who live a life of fear have become the sheep dogs, the COVID-19 marshals, mask police, who blindly feel empowered, heroic and virtuous, by bowing down and abiding to state propaganda “we’re in this together,” “Heros wear masks,” “For the greater good.” They have come to worship and accept the information being spoon fed to them the same as the people of North Korea, yet these “woke” people demonize the North Korean propaganda, yet are blind to the same tactics being used against them. They have come to love their own servitude.
Despite the mass of fearful sheeple, from the ashes of this destructive behavior have risen the silent majority, those who see beyond the lies of 2020, who understand that the freedoms of humanity are being taken away each passing day, have finally had enough and are now standing up for what is right, preserving and saving humanity from losing all freedoms and being forced into a submissive dystopian society of servitude we are suppose to love all in the name of safety and security.
The people who do not fear a virus that has a 99.6% survival rate, have common sense, critical thinking, do their own research, recognize the real tyranny and corrupt government officials that must be stopped and removed of power, who see that lockdowns have caused more harm than a virus no worse than the flu are the ones who have finally had enough of the nonsense, and all those who blindly follow false ideologies, support PC culture, buy into the identity politics and state propaganda.
The power is in the hands of people from both sides, but those who are not fearful, who believe in truth and freedom will ultimately rise up and strive in this time of delusional culture, a society who has handed their power over to the so called “experts” and “scientists” not understand that the real power is in the hands of the technocrats, the elite tech overloads who pull the strings of science, information and human perception. The people of truth and liberty are aware of this and will not allow them to over come humanity. Only time will tell, but 2020 has shown the people that the power is in fact in our hands.
7) Anything is Possible
Believe in the lies and a lifetime of enslavement is what you deserve, believe in yourself and limited possibilities is what you will get. If there is one thing learned from 2020 it’s that you are not a victim but an individual who has the power to make choices, to think for themselves, to make change without the handouts or permission by those in control.
No matter how challenging or chaotic life can get, still there are endless possibilities. During times of crisis arise great opportunities. Are you going to look back on 2020 as a year of grievances and grief or a year of opportunity.
The choice is yours and yours alone, but are you willing to look deep within and speak your truth and evolve or fall victim and succumb to the lies and the fear. There are many paths to take from here, but know that 2020 was the greatest gift for humanity.
It shined light on those who could not see, it opened our eyes to all the corruption and hidden truths and it showed us that we have the power to either destroy ourselves or evolve has a human race. The choice is yours. Either choose to open the 7 gifts of 2020 or throw it away. What you choose to do is up to you and how you perceive each gifts, but ultimately it is YOU who are Free and YOU who has the gift of endless possibilities to be free.