Restrictions and Revelations

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Now is a time for those who want to preserve truth, freedom of speech and basic human freedoms to join together, stand the line and use our VOICES.

The resent purging of alternative and conservative voices across multiple social media platforms isn't a right/left political issue, or about one man, this is bigger.

It's a human rights issue that will eventually consume those who support the
censoring of others and their opinions.

Violence is never the answer; voices are. Words are powerful and can either be used for positive or negative intent. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.

Having the freewill to make choices, have different opinions and ideas is what makes
us a free nation. That freedom is now only held together by a thin thread.

If we allow false ideologies and hate to divide us, then the technocrats and their
technocracy will be the ones to bring order out of chaos and control all flow of information, what can and cannot be said and who can and cannot have a voice.

WWIII is here, it's not being fought on a battle field, or in the streets but on a digital field, this is an info war and digital war.

He who controls the narrative controls the people

"Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the
past." — George Orwell, 1984

Tommy TutaloComment