Being an Introvert in an Extrovert World
-Being an introvert in an extrovert world is not easy. We are the minority who get looked down upon or ignored; the truth Sayers and spiritual ones who see the world differently, who recognizes the beauty in all which gets unnoticed by the extroverted ones.
-Introverts live within a world of their own inside their mind. We seek solitude and harmony, distant ourselves from the crowds for we don’t need to be easily amused.
-As an introvert it’s challenging to find a place in an extrovert world. We sometimes have to wear many masks in order to adapt to our settings and surroundings. Even then we are sometimes misunderstood or considered a fool.
-Introverts need to break out of their protective shell if they are looking to go above and beyond, in order to strive in an extrovert world. As a quiet, shy introvert who is also a Pisces trying to endeavor in a loud world sometimes it’s stimulating, yet rewarding.
-We feel trapped within the “It’s all about me,” “Look at me,” times we now live in which is dominated by the extroverts. They are the faces we constantly see on social media and the voice that never shuts up, who is loud and proud and always has something to say. Even if it is immoral, ignorant, bias or regurgitating nonsense everyone seems to listen. And if it is ever questioned in an intelligent, respectful, fact based manner it is instantly condemned and fought against with rage in a childish manner or shut down by political correctness.
-The times of the extrovert are scary times because they are the ones who will blindly follow a trend without looking, listen to political propaganda without knowing truth, except the loss of freedoms because of comfort or it seems right for the individual “ME” and not the whole and will openly follow the herd and hive mind without question. They are quick to react, quick to speak, quick to take action, without thinking for themselves without self-reflection, without looking at both sides. Tunnel vision is how they see, and the narrow light which stretches from down the long dark walls is the path they will take.
-An introvert sees all. Even if they will not speak about all they observe, they know and see the truth and little beauty in all. Introverts crave solitude and enjoy being alone, not because they are anti-social or have some internal issues, because introverts enjoy looking within and mastering themselves instead of engaging in inconsequential conversations, being in the crowds of loud and rowdy people, and having to pretend to enjoy the company of others and the space in which there seems to be nothing but noise.
-Introverts are the innovators, the shamans, and the masters of discovering truth from within. Introverts don’t need the world we live in for they have an entire universe inside their head, and I assure you there are much better things happening in there. Ask an introvert who you may spot standing alone in corner of a room full of people, sitting on a park bench all alone, quietly walking through the woods alone, or sitting alone in a café. Introverts have so much to share, yet enjoy the isolation because they know, that all they possess inside needs the quiet space to manifest all they behold, which they will share to the world. Introverts bring balance to the chaos, disharmony and fictitious and false lives people wake up to live every day. Introverts are a minority of one, and all the universe and love they have within, you can see in their eyes, if you can get them to look away from their shoes and look up into your eyes; then will you be able to see all they behold.