It's the End of the World As We Know It? Was the Mayan Calendar 8 Years Off?


2020 has been quite a year thus far. As the 2020 song goes, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . From high profile celebrity deaths, bombings, COVID-19 pandemic, panic food buying, empty food shelves, toilet paper shortage, worldwide lockdowns, the “new normal”, social distancing, virtual learning, work from home, staycations, frontline responders heroes, hospitals over flowing with patients, empty hospitals, nurses and doctors overwhelmed, nurses and doctors dancing on Tik Tok and fucking in empty ER rooms, the global economy collapse, killer bees, worldwide pedophilia/human trafficking/D.U.M.B.S  network taken out, silent high profile celebrity, politician arrests and executions, QAnon, the return of the king JFK JR, Alien invasion, millions of people losing their job and home, BLM worldwide protests, “peaceful protests”, destroying historical statues, the city of CHAD, ANTIFA hypocrisy, cancel this, cancel that, no social gatherings, open the beaches, close the beaches, COVID-19 testing, self-quarantine,   “The Summer of Love”,  riots, defunding of the police, the great NYC exodus, checkpoints, brown shirts, report your neighbor, wild fires, hurricanes, fire tornadoes, power outages, wear the mask, don’t wear the mask, mask mandates, heat kills the virus, heat doesn’t kill the virus, push drugs not healthy living, the kids are immune, the kids aren’t immune, 5G death frequencies for Coronavirus, Hydroxychloroquine, forced vaccinations, Bill Gates, Fauci, Biden, Trump, Harris, Left/Right Political tensions, mail in voting, take a knee, don’t take a knee, MSM 24/7 fear porn, fear your neighbor, democratic socialism, patriotic, cheesecake, renegade, drive by birthday parties, big pharma profits, big tech take over, Amazon behemoth cash machine, in your face draconian mandates and executive orders, no church, more protests, no eating indoors, fill the super stores, hypocritical laws and orders, no more guns for law abiding citizens, arms for the criminals, free the criminals, lock up anti-COVID-19 critical thinking citizens and patriots, Karens and Kens know what’s best for all, social shaming, “we’re in this together,” stand up, speak up, blind sheep, disobey your masters, defiance, obedience, online censorship, shut up and obey, plandemic, no more war, be loud, be proud, the silent majority speaking up and rising up . . . .  “…It’s the end of the world as we know it…”

You get the idea. A lot of shit has happened so far this year, and there are still 4 months left. With all eyes on the U.S. Presidential election coming up in November and all the craziness, be prepared for the biggest surprises to come.

The Mayan Calendar; 2012 or 2020 End Date?


-What is the Mayan calendar? The Mayan calendar is a stone long count calendar, used to measure time in the past and in the future. They were round stone calendars with Mesoamerican hieroglyphs. The supposed end date on this calendar was December 21, 2012, which many have claimed would be the time the world ends, or a catastrophic event would happen.


-December 21, 2012 has come to pass and here we are. There was no Apocalypse or devastating event. Some say that it was only a symbolic end event, of humanity transitioning into a new age, from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. Since the Mayans were experts with reading and understanding the stars, in the cosmos they were able to foresee events yet to come. So how come the end date is inaccurate?


-The answer may be due to the Gregorian calendar which was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory the XIII, due to the previous Julian calendar miscalculating the length of a solar year by 11 minutes, interrupting the changing of the seasons. It is the current calendar used around the world. As with the Julian calendar the Gregorian calendar was not 100% accurate, off by 11 days per year for the past 268 years adds up to a loss of 8 years. So what is the real date?


-It is speculated that 2020 is in fact 2012 because of this 8 year inaccuracy. Also scientist Peter Turchin’s theory based on a cycle of violence, which occurs every 50 years, validating that 2020 is 2012 as well.


Even theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking claims that the Mayan calendar was off by 8 years. In an interview he warned, “…People should actually be worrying about 2020, that’s the real end of the civilized world…”


If these scientific calculations and predictions don’t convince you that 2020 is actually 2012, the end times, then maybe some more theories will shine some light on all that has come to pass. So, besides all that has happened thus far for 2020, what apocalyptic events still await us before the end of the year?


Project Blue Beam

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-Project Blue Beam is a 4 step NASA program developed to usher in the New World Order, via a staged archeological find that will destroy the known history of civilization and a religious, alien invasion holographic light show in the sky.

-Step 1 will be an archeological finding that occurs after a triggered earthquake. This find with rattle the conventional history of civilization and religions.

-Step 2 will be a holographic projection of gods and deities from every religion appearing in the sky of the regions on Earth where they are worshipped, all merging into one god who will become the antichrist.

-Step 3 will consist of a mind control technology, “telepathic electronic two-way communication,” that will instill the voice of these deities in the mind of everyone on Earth.

-Step 4 will be conducted in 3 parts. First staging an alien invasion, second making Christians think the rapture is about to happen, and third via electronic and supernatural forces scaring the masses into a state of fear so grand they will be willing to give up all freedoms to join as one, a New World Order for their safety and security. As former President Ronald Reagan stated in a UN speech.

 “We often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bound. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world, and yet I ask you is not an alien force already among us what could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war and the threat of war.”

 Werner Von Braun on his death bed spoke to Dr. Carol Rosen warning of this technology and what is to come.

“They’re inventing enemies he (Von Braun) said, against whom they are going to build this space-based weapon system—the first of whom was the Russians which was existing at that time. Then there would be terrorists, then there would be third world countries, now we call them rogue nations or nations of concern. Then there would be asteroids. And then he would repeat to me over and over ‘and the last card, the last, the last card would be the extraterrestrial threat’…you will find that there is going to be a spin to find some enemy against whom we have to build space based weapons and now we should expect the spin.”

Dr. Carol Rosen

Nibiru/Planet X


-So as the world focuses on all the chaos and disorder here on Earth, the people of the world are blind to threats coming from space. The biggest space threat is the return of Nibiru the 12th planet making its 3,600 year return on its elliptical orbit.

-It is the return of the Anunnaki, or also known as the Nephilim, the giant alien race that walked the Earth, known as the fallen angels in the ancient world who interbred with humans and the ones who modified the human race and had a hand in creating and molding civilizations throughout the world.

Ancient Sumerian texts, deciphered by prominent author, researcher of ancient origins involving ancient astronauts Zecharia Sitchin brought the return of Nibiru or Planet X to the surface with his research.

-This return has triggered climate change, tsunamis, and earthquakes all which has intensified the closer the planet gets and will get worse. Along with the arrival of Niribu there also comes other threats from space, asteroids.

-With a tail of asteroids orbiting and following behind the planet, on its fly by asteroids, and meteorites will rain down on Earth, fire from the sky causing massive destruction around the planet. One that many researchers are keeping a close eye on is Apophis, due to impact Earth September 2020. If it does or does not, the threat of an asteroid is real and most likely will happen sometime in the near future. So are the global lockdowns for protecting us from COVID-19 or an asteroid impact?

FEMA Camps


-FEMA has been at the forefront of natural disasters since Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans. Since that time so called FEMA camps have been built all over the United States, some even claim that Wal-Mart and other big corporation brick and mortar stores have been built solely to stand in as a make-shift FEMA camps.

-With the outbreak of the Coronavirus there is speculation that people will eventually be rounded up and taken to these FEMA camps, which will become quarantine facilities. If this is all true or not only time will tell, but another theory is that these camps will be used as relocation facilities for the masses after an asteroid impact or multiple natural disasters devastates the Earth.

-So if all this destruction comes to light and 2/3 of the world population is killed off, what steps have the “New World Order,” those who control the world, and the global agenda to enslave humanity, implemented in preparation for using such a disaster to benefit their agenda? What else have they already begun and set up to depopulate the Earth more and create a totalitarian control grid and civilization?

5G Technology


-Let’s start with 5G technology. This has become a controversial topic in light of the Coronavirus. There is speculation that the 5G frequencies are triggering the virus and causing it to literally take the breathe out of its victims. Also the negative effects and symptoms of 5G technology is a long list some dare not considering looking into. From weakness and fatigue, bleeding from the nose, cancer, depression, tumors, disease, flu like symptoms, erratic behavior and emotional unstableness, this technology has been rolled out more so during the pandemic lockdown.

-There have been many cases of children being effected by 5G towers built near or on schools. And as the pandemic rages on and we get into the colder months there is already warning that the children will be effected next, hence they will be going back to school, schools that have this 5G technology.

-If this massive 2nd wave does come and it is effecting children in schools there are already nations such as Australia and Ireland and recently within the U.S. that have implanted laws to quarantine children in schools and not allow the parents to get them unless, they get vaccinated. The children will be held hostage and some will most likely become infected and very ill.;_ylt=AwrE1887qT9fVm8AAgVXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10BGZyMgNzYS1ncC1zZWFyY2gEZ3ByaWQDX1V1MWZqem5UTEtxTjZTQ0Z2T2kzQQRuX3JzbHQDMARuX3N1Z2cDMQRvcmlnaW4Dc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMQRwcXN0cgMyMDIwIEF1c3RyYWxpYSBhbmQgSXJlbGFuZCBxdWFyYXRpbmUgY2hpbGRyZW4gaW4gc2Nob29scyAEcHFzdHJsAzU3BHFzdHJsAzU4BHF1ZXJ5AzIwMjAlMjBhdXN0cmFsaWElMjBhbmQlMjBpcmVsYW5kJTIwcXVhcmFudGluZSUyMGNoaWxkcmVuJTIwaW4lMjBzY2hvb2xzJTIwBHRfc3RtcAMxNTk4MDA3ODUzBHVzZV9jYXNlAw--?p=2020+australia+and+ireland+quarantine+children+in+schools+&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=yfp-t&fp=1

Bill Gates and Mandatory Vaccines

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-Coincidently Bill Gates, who has been the COVID-19 expert and prominent unofficial health official of what we all should be doing since the Coronavirus outbreak and it just so happens that he wants to vaccinate the entire population of the world, and warns of an even worse 2nd wave.

-This vaccines will also have biometric nanotechnology in it that will be a vaccine, immunization system, virus tracing, social credit system, putting every human being into a technological system that will monitor your health, every move you make, and dictate what you can and can’t do and where you can and can’t go. Connect the dots and follow the money. The Plandemic Indoctornation exposes the corrupt Bill Gates and all those involved in this COVID-19 hoax pushing for forced vaccination and the real agenda.

Cashless Society and Digital Currency


-Also due to the coronavirus there has been a shortage of coins and cash has been something noted as being able to transfer the virus. Eventually this will lead to a cashless society in which Bill Gates and the technocrats will usher in a digital currency to not only fix the world economic collapse but be another form of control. The global reset as it is known is here and being implemented.

-This is the mark of the beast, and what the future looks like. No one will be allowed to travel, purchase or work without getting your biometric vaccination. And it won’t end there, this virus as they say is here to stay and it is most likely that every human will have to get a vaccine each year to fight the virus.

-Before all this is ushered in there will be more chaos and disorder. For the final quarter of the year September to December we can expect a 2nd wave, another more tyrannical lockdown, natural disasters, black outs, war, famine and even the collapse of society and nations.

Agenda 21 and 2030


-For those who survive all to come they will be forced into super SMART cities as part of Agenda 21 and 2030 agenda for sustainable development

The Answer


-So is there an answer to defying and surviving this madness? If so then the answer isn’t out there its within you. It’s how to react, it’s not being afraid to stand up against what isn’t morally right, it’s not blindly following the herd of blind sheep, it’s educating yourself, it’s not believing in one sided belief systems and looking at both sides with an open mind, it’s respecting the opinions of others and not being afraid to state yours, it’s finding the courage to resist tyranny and not submit, it’s supporting each other and not give into divide and rule tactics, it’s not being dependent of a corrupt system of government but being independent and self-sustainable, it’s being able to think for yourself, use logic, critical and abstract thinking, it’s not conforming to the  norms of society, it’s not being afraid to follow your heart.

-The end or new beginnings (The awakening, ascension)


-Where do we go from here? Is 2020 the end or is it the birth of new beginnings? Not matter what dire situations play out in the coming months know that the power lies within you. That we are cosmic beings having a conscious experience here on Earth.


-The awakening is here, the exposure of the corruption and evil that have kept humanity enslaved for centuries is now in the open for all to see. For those who are not blind, who are awake and aware it is time to rise up and remove the blinders from those who cannot see.


-2020 will either be remembered as the year humanity perishes into a new dark age, or rises up into a new golden age. With or without a pandemic, natural disaster, threat from space, or the unknown this will be a defining year for all of humanity. Do not be afraid and know that you are the one who will determine whether this is the end of the world as we know it as being something of malevolence or benevolence.

“…It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…”

Tommy TutaloComment