Humanity Lost


2020, the year humanity becomes lost? Since the Covid-19 outbreak and most recently the death of George Floyd and the mass uprisings and unrest it seems that our sense of humanity has been lost in a cyclone of fear, panic, hyped propaganda, anger, rage, protest and resistance towards a corrupt system of power. The world has changed and at the rate its going we may never go back to what “normal” used to be.


What does it mean to be Human?


-Besides the physical attributes of a human being it is our sense of freewill and what we bear inside that separates us from the wild animals of the world and makes us human, such as having a higher intelligence, though some may beg to differ, bestowing compassion, empathy, logical and abstract thinking, the ability to speak and express an array of emotions verbally and physically, and our ability to create, taking an idea and manifesting it into something physical.

-Humans are amazing beings who sadly are taught from birth that we are an accident living on a small speck of dust floating amongst the vast universe filled with billions upon billions of stars. Our evolution is that of survival of the fittest and currently humans are considered to be the cancer of Earth.

-Now, imagine if we were able to see beyond the barriers of race, social status and any form of label a human can have, and we tap into our heart and soul, discover our true potentials and abilities of all we are capable of achieving and unleash it. If you want a glimpse of what humans are capable of creating just take a moment to reflect on the statue of David or the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, both flawless pieces of art created my Michelangelo.  

-It is engrained in our DNA to create. Since the dawn of man humans have been creating and evolving throughout the ages. From cavemen using stones, discovering fire and creating the wheel, to the birth of languages and civilizations, to the industrial revolution and the current technological revolution, humans have endured, evolved and built the social structures and world we live in.

The Importance of Physical, Spiritual and Energetic Connection.


-We’ve all had that feeling when someone walks into a room and right away you get either good or bad vibes about the person. Or we’ve been with someone that makes us feel love or hate. Both feelings are extremely different, and both create an energetic vibration that affects us mentally, and physically.

-What Covid-19 has done is put a majority of humanity into a low vibrational state of being. We have become fearful and docile. Humans are conductors of energy and are not meant to be running on low battery or one bar. We thrive when in a positive mood and are capable of achieving greatness when in an energetically high mood.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla


Is COVID-19 a Plug to Stop Humanity From Reaching Spiritual Ascension?


-What is spiritual ascension? Spiritual ascension is the process at which a human being is able to tap into the cosmic unseen energies of the universe and consciousness and uplift their state of being, and consciousness. Knowing that we are all spiritual beings having an experience in this physical realm called Earth, it is important for humans to rediscover who they are and tap into this energy field.

-Why is this important? It is important for humanity to connect or reconnect with the divine energy that we are all connected to. By doing this humans are able to feel, become more alive, energetically and capable of achieving great feats. Without having any sense of fear (low energy vibration) and having a positive energetic mindset humans are able to enjoy life, feel as if they could do and live life with the “I can” mentality instead of the “I can’t”, the victim mentality “why me” or worrying about this or that, which will do nothing but hold you back in life.

-COVID-19 has done this to a majority of people, hold us back from achieving greatness and living life.

-The virtue signaling hive mind, the fearful, and the obedient servants of the system sadly are the ones who will embrace this low vibrational change all in the name of “we’re in this together”. Yes we are, but let’s not give into a belief, new religion that is going to take humanity into a low vibrational state, or prison for the mind and body (energetically).

Social Distancing as a Means to Stop Social Uplifting Energies


-Think about what it feels like to be in a full stadium of 80,000 people or at a concert of 50,000 people, all together, close to each other, breathing the same air and feeling the same thing, high positive and emotionally connected to the same source, singing the same song with one voice. Yes, you may have some haters in the crowd booing or ranting but it all balances out in the end.

-Mass meditation and the connection of humans to the geo magnetic field have been studied and prove that “thoughts create reality,’. How? With frequency.

The Negative Effects COVID-19 Has on Children and how a New Generation is Being Groomed For a Totalitarian Society


-All over the world children are facing the challenges of COVID-19, but at a different level than adults. Children who are dependent of their parents or caregivers now find themselves caught up in the aftermath of job loss, lack of an education, lack of food, and in a position of being victim of child abuse.

-Being confined to the walls of home with loved ones for a child is comforting, but what about the children who have abusive and violent parents and/or caregivers? What about the children who depend on school lunches to get a meal a day? What about lack of education, especially for those children who benefit from being in school with a teacher? What about the economic effects of guardians losing a job and not being able to afford to buy food and pay the rent? These are just some of the negative effects COVID-19 has had on children from around the world.

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-The new normal of social distancing is also negative on a child’s social development skills. No longer are children freely playing on the playground, learning from each other and enjoying the social interaction, but now at a very young age they are taught to fear each other.

-Being born into the “new normal”, raising a whole new generation of obedient citizens who only know how to social distance and fear each other, and accept fierce control and an Orwellian state as normal.

-Ideological subversion, the implementation of changing whole societies by conditioning a generation, every 2 to 4 generation by controlling the education system. The 4 stages of ideological subversion used to changed society are, demoralization, destabilization, crisis, and last normalization. Sound familiar. Well, be ready for change.

-Demoralization to normalization looks like this. Exposure to true information does not matter anymore. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information, the facts tell nothing to him. Even if information is shouted out with authentic truth with documents and pictures, even if they are taken by force to see concentration camps they will refuse to believe it.

The Prestige


-So what has happened to COVID-19? Ever since the George Floyd incident the pandemic which put the whole world on lockdown, instilled fear in all of humanity has suddenly taken a break. What about all that social distancing, being 6 feet apart, no more than 6 people in a gathering, no more churches, no more small businesses to go to, barbershops, weddings or graduations? What has happened? And where in the hell is Bill Gates now? Warning us about a 2nd wave with a smirk and chuckle? Hm? Trump pulling out of the WHO and investing the Gates Foundation Gavi Vaccine Alliance? Hm? A tracking system on who’s been vaccinated and will be allowed to travel? Hm? Makes you think.

-All of humanity has been hoodwinked, big time. Yes, the people have all broken lockdown and COVID-19 cautionary to support the BLM and better cause for humanity. On the surface it’s great that people of all races and background are coming together for a common cause but there is a very thin line between the mob mentality, a collective group think hive mind and defending the rights of humanity.

-It is made very clear for those who can see that the average person, those with good intentions and who have a sense of empathy do not act out violently nor entice it. Those who have been leading the mob, violently acting out, causing mayhem and riots, are just bad apples from the whole and/or paid provocateurs. Those pulling the strings, manipulating and using the sudden BLM uprising to advance their political status and agenda are the corrupt politicians and leaders who in the end care not about the people but what policies they can force upon the people to create more centralized power, control and profits for themselves.

-They are the magicians waving the magic wand and using magic words to condemn, control, use, and take advantage of a situation and the people to destroy a nation and what freedoms are left.

-This isn’t a conflict between races and people this is a war between US and THEM. “They live, we sleep.”  

The Death of George Floyd


-It’s a tragedy. What happened to George Floyd was inhumane and barbaric, executed by a psychotic person, sadly in uniform. The aftermath has not only opened up more eyes to the injustices and “systematic racism,” towards African Americans but also has opened the flood gates of activists, both peaceful and violent, anarchists, bubblegum revolutionaries and distraction.

-As the people took the streets suddenly COVID-19 was no longer an issue. Suddenly social distancing and wearing a face mask was no longer an issue. It only affected certain people and sub groups with different political ideologies and beliefs.

-As the streets of America became filled with people voicing their rage for peace and justice, vandalizing, destroying statues and businesses, removing statues, and instantly destabilizing police forces and stripping officers of their rights and services with “police reform,” the political mafia and agents against the United States of America have been stripping away constitutional freedoms of America citizens and erasing American history and pushing race wars to further advance their agenda of control.

-One thing to learn from all this madness is that there will always be bad apples in any group. Should we destroy all the other apples? Should we act without thinking? Should be doing something because it is trendy, what everyone else is doing, won’t make you look racist or because you have too much “white privilege.” Whatever the case may be for YOU, know that there are always factors and entities behind the scenes pulling the strings and manipulating events, the thoughts of people and the masses, and using the people as political pawns. If so then why?           

The Police State


“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

George Orwell, 1984

-By cutting back and destabilizing police forces throughout the country it will only lead to more violence and anarchy which is ultimately what those with control of the people want. They want to bring in the military and eventually UN peace keepers and foreign troops. Why?

-American police officers and American soldiers have made a pledge to uphold the laws of the constitution and defeat tyranny both foreign and domestic. If ordered to unlawfully imprison or kill an American citizen I believe they will stand down. However by having UN and foreign troops taking tyrannical orders, I’m sure they wouldn’t hesitate for a second to imprison an American or shoot to kill. With all of the horrific American military occupations, killing, and bombing throughout the world, Americans aren’t highly liked as much as we used to be at the end of World War 2. We’ve gone from being the greatest nation in the world to the most hated.

-If you think that all this is a conspiracy theory and could never happen, look at all that is going on right now through a wider lens and try to see both sides of the argument. The doors are always there to be opened, but are you open minded enough to look inside both. The ugly truth hurts and behind both doors is the ugly truth.     

Rome is Burning


-History is always doomed to repeat itself. As of now currently in 2020 the United States of America can easily be compared to the final days of the Roman Empire. These two quotes, Abraham Lincoln’s and Cicero’s speak volumes of truth and reflect the current times.

-In the streets of America we are seeing a Socialist takeover of America. Others may see it as “Democratic Socialism,” or as a means to defy and remove the current president and his cabinet. Trump is a gangster and lone wolf. He has his own agenda and is a wild card that those corrupt, tyrannical controllers of the U.S. government do not want in power. There are policies and ideologies of Trump’s that are brash, outrageous, crazy, yet some that make sense, benefit America and Americans. A majority of the people chose to look the other way at the little good he has created, yet, go all in on dethroning him without realizing that they will only become servants to a new order of control and tyranny far greater than the current Trump administration.  

-Capitalism has been labeled as evil, yet America was built on capitalism and people are able to grow, and achieve big dreams with hard work and competition. Competition is good, it makes you hungry for success. Getting handouts and freebies from hard working citizens isn’t progress it’s being spoon fed by your “masters” who just want nothing but control of you, your actions, your thoughts, your body and ultimately YOU. The Chinese democracy and technocracy has been stealthily implemented into the American society and way of life. And if you’re not convinced Venezuelian activist Elizabeth Rogliani, one of many, gives a warning of things to come.


Take the Power Back


-So, how does humanity take the power back? It starts with you. If you can’t love yourself, if you can’t stop pointing the finger and blaming others, systems, and policies for your faults, failures, setbacks, and disadvantages, if you keep playing victim, parroting what is trendy, acting without thinking, throw out common sense and critical thinking, not respect others and their opinions even if it threatens to tear down your whole paradigm, don’t listen to the opposing opinions of others, don’t welcome debate, silence other’s opposing opinions yet cry about your freedom of speech, and being fearful of the ugly truth that will destroy your beliefs and way of life and set you free, then you deserve not to be a free human being nor be able to take the power back. It starts with YOU and changing all of the above and your sense of reality.


-It is hard to say NO. Especially when the majority goes along with the tyrannical propaganda being spoon fed daily to a brainwashed nation, and cancel culture has done nothing but silence truth and anyone who disagrees with their narrative, attacking anyone they deem to be “offensive.” This cry baby, temper tantrum movement needs to come to an end. Remember it starts with YOU and if the MANY STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT then the power comes back to the people. The people outnumber the corrupt masters of society 99% to 1%. It’s only a matter of waking everyone up to the real truth and not some trendy “Woke” ideologies. If humanity can’t learn to live alongside each other, love and be peaceful with each other, instead of being blind, deaf sheep and political pawns then humanity is doomed.

Where do we go From Here


-Humanity is either going to go down a path of fear and hate or a path of love and evolution. We are one step away from either entering into an age of 1984 and A Brave New World, a technocracy or a Golden Age. Humanity has the keys in our hands, it’s just a matter of waking up, taking back our freedoms and freewill, and removing all corrupt, power hungry, controlling parasites of this Earth. Can it be done. YES.

-There will have to be a period of disaster and the crumpling of old systems, ways of thinking, ways of living and ways of seeing. Once humanity gets past the cleansing then will the light shine through and bring balance and harmony to the world. It’s up to us to understand that we are all ONE, ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, beings having a conscious experience in this physical reality. Thoughts manifest reality so if you believe that we are doomed then be prepared to be enslaved, but if you believe that you are all powerful, with all possibilities to create and live free, then humanity will be able to live as one and free. 

“I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid… afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules or controls, borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.”

  Neo, The Matrix


Tommy TutaloComment