Mastering Thyself

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-There is no secret to mastering thyself. It all starts with self-discovery, taking that internal journey some dare not take. In the eyes is the universe and all you project and hidden within the depths of your heart and soul are where all the answers and all the ugly truths lay buried. Unleashing this potential hidden at the core is key to mastering thyself.

-I in no way have all the answers to mastering thyself, and no matter how many self-help coaches and gurus are out there, entrepreneurial “gods and goddesses”, false idols, and self-proclaimed successful self-made business, social media personalities are out there preaching the same tune, what I have to offer is of my own journey.

-As an indie author I am still trying to figure out life and this game of “success”. My journey is my own, different yet, runs parallel with many others. What it has taken me to achieve some sort of mastery with writing is just some basic virtues and way of being. So, without getting into too much regurgitation of trendy meme’s, positive, motivational quotes and posts, here’s my 2 cents on mastering thyself.

-Diving Down the Rabbit Hole-

-For me the awakening process, having self and external awareness, discovering and understanding the nature of reality and how all the dots of life connect has not only opened my eyes to truth of what it is to be human and how the world is, but having this understanding makes living life and writing much smoother. If you’re wondering what I mean, the best way to describe this is to “get out of your comfort zone.” That comfort zone for many is different. For me it was discovering truth, having a better understanding of the illusion of life, the systematic servitudes we become victims to and the phantom self we are trapped within.

-“All the world is a stage,” and the world isn’t quite what it seems to be. Once you are able to see beyond the veil; have a higher understanding of life and not necessarily accept it but have an open mind about it, then will you have truly begun the path of mastering thyself. As with Neo in the Matrix taking the red pill is a pathway to discovering truth and thyself.

-Breaking Free-

The greatest fear that holds people back in life is the fear of what others think. Worrying about the opinions of others is the biggest mind trap and is the shackles that hold people back from pursuing whatever it is they really want to do with their life. Usually the prison walls are put up and cuffs are put on from the time we are born, parents raise us to be a certain way, and then off to school you go where you become indoctrinated. Some are able to find their calling earlier in life and are bold enough to say fuck it, I’m following my heart and chasing my dreams. Others are held back or take longer to figure it out, regarding breaking free from all individuals, and systems they are attached to, or held back by. Breaking free is key and opening up the mind.

-Open Your Mind; Spread Your Wings-

-After discovering truth, breaking free, and stepping outside of the comfort box of a world you fall victim to, now the journey really begins. Once you are on your own without worries, fears, or being tied down by opinions, rules, and a false way of living then you are able to fly. The calling we all have will whisper and when you do hear it, then will you feel the changing from within. Finding your purpose after digging up all the answers and ugly truths will bring you light and guide you down the right path in life, the one you were meant to take.

-Having this understanding then will enable you to start molding yourself into the person you were meant to be. Whoever or whatever it is you were destined to become mastering thyself will become your new addiction. All the hard work, hours, sleepless nights will matter not. Love for what you were meant to do with your life will fuel you and the mastery you seek will become part of the journey called life.

-There is No End-

-If you think that there is an end to mastering thyself, then go back now to the little comfort box of a world you were born into. There is no end to mastering thyself, only growth. Think of a tree that grows, and grows and grows. Does it ever stop growing . . .yes, but it’s called death. Mastering thyself shouldn’t end until death. That should be your approach. And your approach should never be compared to others, remember you are your own and there is no one else like you. That is the beauty of life, out of the billions of people in the world you are a unique and special being. Embrace that and master it, because by mastering thyself then will you be able to guide others. There is no secret, go it your own way. Some may follow, others may try to stop you, and many won’t give a fuck. So, live life, take your own path and master whatever it is you’re destined to do with your life, live life without regrets and master thyself. 

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