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Developmental Editing Services

I will focus on the content of your manuscript or written document. For those who submit books of fiction or nonfiction I will focus on what chapters and paragraphs need to be fixed, moved or omitted. I will also focus on scene development and which scenes work or don’t and will help develop dialogue to help characters come alive. For those who submit articles or documents I will focus on the content and areas in need of being fix for better readability and understand by readers.

Rates: $0.018 - $0.030 per word (This is based on what you are looking for and the state of the work provided)

Line Editing Services

I will focus on the lines within a manuscript or document. For those who submit books of fiction, if the work provided has already been through a developmental editing with a secure plot, story arc, characters, and setting this is for those seeking to polish up their work for publication. For those who submit a document I will focus on each individual line to make sure the content makes sense and is readable.

Rates: $0.018 - $0.04 per word (This is based on what you are looking for and the state of the work provided)

Copy Editing Services

I will focus on the technical grammar aspects. For those who submit books of fiction, if the work provided has already been through a developmental editing with a secure plot, story arc, characters, and setting and through a round of line editing this is for those who seek to have a second round of polishing up a manuscript before submitting to be published. For those who submit a document I will focus on the technical grammar aspects.

Rates: $0.014 - $0.016 per word (This is based on what you are looking for and the state of the work provided)


I will focus on minor errors. This is for those who have already had their manuscript or document edited. After the work provided has gone through editing services as a proofreader I will focus on minor errors such as misspelled words, grammar errors, punctuation errors missing sentences, the wrong word use, ex. we’re instead of were, or its instead of it’s, and also minor typos.


Standard - $0.006 per word (This is 1 pass of reading)

Premium - $0.011 per word (This is 2 passes of reading)


As a copywriter I will give your brand a voice that resonates with your target audience. In a free flowing manner my words will draw the attention of potential clients and obtain the recognition and leads that you seek.

500 words - $250

1,000 – 2,000 words - $500-$1,000

2,500 – 5,000 words - $1,250-$2,500

Content Writing

As a content writer I will shine light upon your brand and draw the attention of potential clients and followers. My versatile writing style will fulfill any vision you see fit for your brand. Being a highly diverse and integrate writer I will also be able to add more chemistry to your brand.

Writing Consultant

As a writing consultant I will share my knowledge and experiences with the writing process and the self-publishing method. Since I began my writing journey in 2007 I have self-published two books (Esperanza, An Indie Author’s Way), and currently have four Works in Progress (The Mime, Modest Marine, Vigilant expected to be published 2020). As a member of the Alliance of Independent Author’s I respect and hold the ethics of services provided. As an indie author I highly value the creative and commercial independence of pursuing such a path of an indie author. Having been down this path I have an understanding of how challenging it is to go alone. As a writing consultant I will guide, give, and shine light upon what to expect as an indie author, the writing process, how to properly modify a manuscript of POD and KDP, how to self-publish and how to market your book and yourself as an indie author.

Phone Conferences

First 30 minute phone conference – FREE

Second 30 minute phone conference - $250

60 minute phone conference - $500


Level 1 Writing Consultant -$1,500

-60 minute phone conference

-Writing strategies and tips

-Map out writing project

Level 2 Writing Consultant - $2,500

-60 minute phone conference

-Writing guidance, help outline writing project

-Map out writing project, help with writing

Please contact me at to find out how I might consult, contribute and add value to you and/or your organization.